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Airflow Internet Sites

An Airflow technical forum, operating in list-serve format, hosts Airflow-related questions, answers and discussion for Airflow Club members and fans. The Forum is public, but you must register to post to the discussion.  The Airflow forum is at When you register, it's highly recommended (but not required) that you fill out at least your name in your profile so folks will know who is posting. The airflowcars forum archives nearly all the posts made to the Yahoo Airflow group since 2001.

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The Antique Automobile Club of America also hosts an Airflow-related discussion group. Anyone can view the forum. Create a login and sign in if you would like to post.

There's an unofficial Airflow group hosted on Facebook. Log in to You will need a Facebook account which you can easily create on the welcome page. Then search for Chrysler & DeSoto Airflow Group. "This is THE group for folks who own, covet, or simply admire the Chrysler and DeSoto Airflow automobiles."

The official Airflow Club web site's still available, and will  be unless and until it is replaced. It is not regularly updated, so please confirm dates and locations of announced events. An attempt has been made to  make all of the information on the former official site available on this one.

There are many other useful and interesting sources of information about Chrysler and DeSoto Airflows. Search YouTube for videos featuring Airflows in addition to those listed in here. Flickr has a large assortment of Airflow photos as well. 

Airflow Club of America

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